What are Employee Network Groups (ENGs)?

This April at WiHTL & DiR we are focusing on Employee Network Groups (ENGs) to highlight the incredible work they do and the impact they have within organisations to champion equity, diversity and inclusion.

What are ENGs? 

ENGs (sometimes referred to as staff networks, employee resource groups, diversity councils or affinity groups) are voluntary, colleague-led groups that unite individuals who share common interests. Many organisations have multiple ENGs that have been formed based on demographic characteristics such as race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Some ENGs are also formed based on shared experiences, for example Parents networks. In essence, ENGs connect people from these groups to provide a safe space to address the challenges  faced by its members as well as enabling the amplification of voices and experiences to drive progress. 

For example, as well as uniting colleagues, ENGs can also facilitate cultural change throughout the entire organisation. They do this through:

This month we will be spotlighting some of the incredible work of ENGs across our community who have been successful in driving cultural change in their organisations, sharing  their learnings and advice on setting up, managing and leading an impactful ENG. Make sure you follow us on LinkedIn for all of the latest news and updates.

We will also be sharing additional resources to support organisations in setting up and managing their own ENGs, including three bitesize workshops that will provide practical guidance for Network Chairs and HR Leaders to advance  their own ENG journey and create truly inclusive workplaces.

For more information and to register your attendance, click on the following links: